Terms of Use

Two accounts are created at signup for mother and father.  Information posted on the site is presumed to be suitable or required information exchanged between the parents to facilitate the legal, custodial, parenting, informational, health, educational, extracurricular, religious, information to which both parents are entitled to receive and know about their child. Use of this site presumes the Disclaimer and Privacy policies have been reviewed and approved by the parents using this site.  Photos showing a child’s injury in the normal course of a parenting matter may be exchanged by parents through the site but are not to be disseminated recklessly, or vindictively.  No illegal material. No pornography. No video. Medical information in the exchange or preservation of evidence between the parents is presumed to be required shared in the normal course of parenting your child.


USER NAME AND PASSWORD.  You are responsible for the confidentiality of your Login credentials and agree not to share your Login with a third party. You are responsible for all acts or omissions occurring under your Login. 

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Our Child Info and its principals, associates, employees, affiliates, vendors, and agents expressly disclaim all express and implied warranties, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and error-free and uninterrupted service. Our Child Info LLC is not liable for any loss or damages incurred by you related to your use, attempted use or inability to use OurChildInfo.com, including damages caused by delays, errors, inaccuracies, unreliability of Services or Information, loss of data or software restoration; or (ii) special, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages related to your use of OurChildInfo.com, even if such damages were reasonably foreseeable.

CANCELLATION:  If you decide to cancel your account, you should download and save the log file if you want to preserve your use of the site during the time of your subscription.  After cancellation, your account will remain open until the end of your billing cycle. After that time, OCI may delete your account and all associated data.  Should you decide to create a new account, none of your information from your earlier cancelled account will be available. OCI reserves the right to cancel your account if it violates these terms of service.


Our Child Info LLC is not responsible for user error. If the initial sign-up parent uses the wrong, or incorrect email address for the other parent, it remains that parent's responsibility to resolve the email problem by communicating with OCI to update the email address. OCI has no previous knowledge of the email contacts intended to be used. 


CONTACT:  Email [email protected] anytime.  Website is intended to be available 24/7. This site is developed and managed by practicing attorneys and, as a result, we may not be available immediately by phone.  

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Client Testimonials

My case had to be the inspiration for this site. I would go round and round with my ex when it came to things like summer visitation dates, locations, transportation and pickups. This site allowed my ex and I to document the “back and forth” without ever being face-to-face. $7.50 per month is well spent (less than one phone call to my attorney). I highly recommend it!

- W. Jackson

This website shows that I provided my ex contact information and especially extracurricular and sporting event contacts. I don’t have to upload schedules but can just post the organization or coaches contact information and they are then tasked with following up on sporting schedules. I like that I can then show that I am not to blame and have been providing information.

- H. Tupper

Online program helps divorced parents with communication. OCI eliminates confusion, ignored questions, and unpleasant exchanges between parents.

- Cover Story, Sentinel News, July 2017

The site saves a record of everything communicated, eliminating he-said, she-said disputes.

- Illinois Bar Journal August 2018

[OurChildInfo] claim[s] further uniqueness in that a parent can’t delete, back date or alter data and can print out a log file with date and time stamped log file.

- Texas Bar Blog March 2019

This website was a potential solution to a daily problem plaguing my clients going through divorce and custody battles!

- Oklahoma College of Law March 2019